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Everything You Need To Know About Blogger Outreach Services


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Sometimes the best content promotion strategies achieve multiple aims at the same time. Blogger outreach is just such a strategy.

Not only do you boost your fresh, original website content by getting it promoted on a reputable blog, but you also gain credibility, new audiences, and high-quality backlinks in the process. 

Blogger outreach is all about building and developing professional relationships online.

While this strategy can take time (any good relationship does!), it brings some worthwhile benefits for your brand, including sustainable long-term benefits that keep bringing the rewards months or even years after your original link has been published.

So what does it take to enact a successful blogger outreach plan? It’s not as easy as it sounds; there are several subtle distinctions you will need to keep in mind to achieve the goals you have in mind for your brand. 

In this guide, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about blogger outreach services, including what they are, how they work, and how your online presence will benefit from them.

We will also explore why you might want to bring on board a team of experienced professionals who can help boost and streamline your blogger outreach strategies, bringing you high-quality results with minimal complications. 

Let’s dive in!

What Blue Tree Blog Outreach Provides

Blue Tree provides top-tier SEO services to its exclusive client base of qualified brands, including superior blogger outreach services.

No two organizations are the same, and we work with every distinct company to develop a unique approach that suits the specifications of their company.

When you work with Blue Tree for your blogger outreach services, you can expect to see results and services including:

  • Personalized attention to detail 
  • Focused consultations about your intended brand aims and targets
  • Diverse portfolios of high-authority backlinks 
  • Relevant link placements on reputable, fully vetted blogs
  • Complete transparency about our process and progress
  • Professional content creation with our experienced team of expert content creatives and writers
  • Attentive results tracking and determined follow-up
  • Carefully honed email outreach to potential blogs
  • Our broad network of professional relationships with bloggers and media outlets

With years of experience under our belt, Blue Tree can provide exemplary blogger outreach services for companies at any scale who are seeking to grow their outreach with quality results.

We trace and measure the progress of each blog outreach campaign to ensure that we are on the right track to meet the goals you have in mind. 

Working with Blue Tree, you can benefit from our expansive network of carefully cultivated professional relationships with bloggers.

Our tried and true approach to content creation and outreach will provide measurable results that lead to huge brand audience growth and expanded internet traffic for your site. 

What Are Blogger Outreach Services?

In a nutshell, blogger outreach services involve reaching out to bloggers to suggest a content creation collaboration, link placement, or other type of online promotion on their blog platform.

blogger outreach vector design

Blogger outreach services are a popular strategy for organizations seeking to boost their digital presence and expand their target audience reach. 

The typical blogger outreach strategy follows a similar structure across industry niches. First, you research to find blogs offering written content that is relevant to your target audiences and readers.

Once you have assembled your list of industry-relevant blogs, you begin the outreach process, working to build a relationship with each blogger. 

Once a conversation has been established, you will then be able to directly request a link placement in an article on the particular blog in question.

Sometimes this step involves coming up with and pitching ideas for new content for their blog, such as guest posts. 

If the blogger agrees, then you get to benefit from having a link to your site placed within a popular, high-authority page. Having a link placed in a reputable blog will help you reach new readers and expand your audience base. 

The steps of blogger outreach services may seem straightforward. After all, there are seemingly endless blogs out there; surely, you will be able to find the perfect niche blogs that will match up just right with your intended audience and fan base.

But before you go out there and get sent, take a breath. There is a lot more to blogger outreach than meets the eye. 

Two Main Strategies for Blogger Outreach Campaigns

You know that feeling you get when you send a friend request to someone you really admire and then wait forever for them to respond? Sometimes they never do, and you feel just a little bit crushed. 

blogger outreach strategy vetctor picture

Well, imagine that process but multiplied by one hundred or even one thousand.

It is a pretty common occurrence for individuals brand-new to the blogger outreach game to get their hopes up, send out tons of emails, and then burn out once they realize that they have not gotten even a single response. 

This is where blogger outreach strategies come in. 

Strategy Number 1: Mass Blogger Outreach With Automated Messages

Blogger outreach strategy number one focuses on amping up the quantity of your messaging to reach the highest number of possible blog collaborators.

To enact this strategy, individuals can boost the volume of their outreach process by sending out automated emails in bulk. 

Individuals can use outreach software to send out hundreds of emails at the same time. With this strategy, each blogger will receive an identical message to all of the other ones.

Such type of mass email message might include a few customizable fields, so the bloggers’ website names can automatically populate certain parts of the message.

Then this generic template email will request a content partnership and ask if the blogger is interested. 

These generic automated mass email-sending campaigns can save weeks’ worth of work by sending hundreds of identical emails out with just the click of a button. But do they work?

Challenges of Mass Outreach Strategy

While it would be great to wave the digital equivalent of a magic wand and get immediate results, this is unfortunately not the reality in most cases. 

Challenge 1: Failing to Catch the Blogger’s Attention

It’s true that sending out automatically generated mass emails will help your initial email land in plenty of inboxes. But these generic emails are also likely to be deleted and ignored or even relegated to the spam folder. 

Sending out basic, vague, impersonal text en masse is not the blogger outreach strategy that will generate the most links. 

Challenge 2: Contacting Irrelevant Sites

The other issue with the broad-net approach to blogger outreach is that you will inevitably wind up with plenty of blog sites that are simply not relevant to your goals.

Expanding the parameters of your contact sheet means that even if sites do respond to your initial email, there is a high chance that they will either be irrelevant or off-topic.

They might also have low rankings and publish low-quality content, or they are in fact “link farms” that are only focused on generating backlinks for profit. 

Establishing a relationship with any of these types of sites would not provide real value for your brand and would instead result in wasted time and effort. 

Strategy Number 2: Manual Blogger Outreach With Personalized Messages

Wherever possible, the best way to establish a genuine connection with people is to write a personalized message that shows that: 

a. You know who your reader is
b. There are specific reasons why they, of all people, might be interested in hearing from you
c. You have taken the time to reach out to them; they are not just a checkmark on your To-do list.

Interpersonal, human interactions are preferred by customers today when it comes to customer experience and support, sure, but the same holds true for establishing professional relationships with potential collaborators. 

With personalized manual blogger outreach, every email is tailored to address the specific website the sender is targeting.

This approach takes a lot more time to complete; you cannot simply send off hundreds of identical messages at once. But the time pays off in the long run. 

Your manual outreach emails should go into detail and be well-crafted. Typos and generic phrases tell a reader that you don’t care enough to take the time to reach out to them.

Instead, include comments on specific articles you have read on their blog, reference industry-specific subjects about which they have expertise, and include any mutual contacts or possible benefits that you can provide for their site. 

Additionally, manual outreach emails don’t have to be long; if anything, an initial email that is too long will demand too much of a busy reader and may be ignored.

Instead, focus on crafting quality over quantity with every sentence. We have learned to capture the reader’s attention through years of Digital PR link building.

Benefits of Personalized Manual Outreach Strategy

A manual outreach strategy involves a lot more time and effort at the beginning, but it is by far the more effective strategy in the long run.

Think of it like starting a business; a certain amount of upfront costs will have to be included to get your business up and running.

Once you start to have a strong relationship with a network of bloggers, your outreach will grow organically, and the process will be more seamless. 

Benefit 1: High-Quality Link Placements

Do the research to determine which sites are worth reaching out to; you want to gain high-authority links, not waste your time trying to get links placed on spammy sites.

By spending more time researching and assembling a list of blogs that are relevant and creating high-quality content, you will be providing benefits for your site in the long run. 

Benefit 2: Higher Response Rates

Editors and content creators at high-quality sites are much more likely to respond to a well-thought-out, carefully crafted outreach email that confirms that the sender has taken the time to get to know their blog specifically. 

Providing concrete information about the site you are trying to connect with is a key way to establish a connection and start the conversation, which will usually evolve into a link placement opportunity.

Once you have made the initial connection, you will be able to work with those bloggers repeatedly over time, gaining you more high-quality link placements to boost your site’s search engine placements, among other benefits. 

Common Mistakes in Blogger Outreach Strategies

For organizations and individuals new to reaching out to bloggers, there are some common mistakes that you can learn to avoid. Watch out for the following frequent beginner’s mistakes as you craft your blogger outreach emails: 

blogger outreach strategies mistakes

Pitching Unoriginal Content

Bloggers are always on the lookout for fresh, engaging new ideas. So the last thing they are interested in is a repeat of the same subjects, ideas, or approach they have already published on their site.

Take time to ensure that the site you are pitching to doesn’t already feature the idea you are suggesting. 

Asking For Favors Without Providing a Benefit

The site you are contacting doesn’t owe you anything, so there is no compelling reason for them to include your backlink unless it benefits them somehow.

Make sure to highlight the benefits that you will provide for them if they are open to your idea. The whole interaction should feel like a fair exchange, so emphasize what the blogger will get in return, not just what you want to get out of the situation. 

Being Too Casual

Emphasizing mutual respect is a key part of reaching out to bloggers. After all, they are strangers; appearing overly familiar can indicate that you are too casual and are not taking their blog or website seriously.

Navigating the delicate line between too stiff and formal and too casual and familiar is a tricky balancing act. But avoid the mistake of addressing blog admin as if they are your intimate friends; instead, try to keep the tone friendly but still professional. 

Giving up After the First Email

It’s easy for messages to get lost amidst the constant onslaught of emails. They tend to pile up in a busy inbox, so don’t take it personally if the blogger you are reaching out to forgets to respond after the first initial message.

Instead, remember to follow up. Send a gentle reminder to make sure that they did indeed see your first email. 

If they didn’t, a reminder would put your request at the forefront of their mind.

If they did see the first email and forgot to write back, a gentle follow-up will show them that you are dedicated and consistent, making you seem like a good person to work with. 

Why You Might Want to Hire an Expert for Blogger Outreach Services

Most beginners who want to try out blogger outreach are seeking to promote their brand and expand their customer base.

They may not take into account the potential challenges they will face as they try to establish an effective blogger outreach strategy within an inundated field. 

By outsourcing blogger outreach services, a company or individual can rely on the years of experience and expertise in the field that a reputable SEO marketing agency has developed.   

For example, an experienced SEO marketing company would know not to interact with low-quality blogs or link farms, but beginners who are new to the blogger outreach game may inadvertently waste their resources- and even money- on getting a link placed on a low-quality site.

Not only do these spammy links not provide the kind of search engine boost you are looking for, but low-quality links can do damage to your online reputation. 

In addition, individuals can take months of precious time trying to figure out how best to write blogger outreach emails and get the results they are looking for.

There is absolutely an art to crafting manual blogger outreach emails. Figuring out the subtle differences between how long is too long and how much detail to provide is a craft that can take years to develop.

Hiring a professional SEO company to conduct blogger outreach on your behalf means benefitting from their advanced skill and know-how in this department. 

A professional SEO company that provides blogger outreach services will also have an established network of strong relationships with reputable bloggers.

This means you can take advantage of these professional connections to land a link on a high-authority blog site. 

How Do Blogger Outreach Services Differ From Regular Link Building?

Blogger outreach is all about building relationships, establishing connections, and providing opportunities for mutually beneficial exchanges between bloggers and your site.

In contrast, regular link building can include getting any kind of website to include a link to a page on your website. 

Blogger outreach services provide a more targeted approach aimed at reaching audiences within your specific industry niche. But that being said, blogger outreach services can include a range of outreach targets. 

Where Can You Find Blog Link Placement Opportunities?

Many companies and organizations today host a blog section within their broader website; reaching out to a company like this for link placement opportunities would fall under the blogger outreach category. 

Blogs written by independent content creators, such as DIY craft enthusiasts or travel bloggers, can provide a direct way to connect with your target audiences.

Similarly, topical blogs that provide high-quality original content about a specific subject relevant to your audiences would be good candidates for blogger outreach campaigns. 

Common Types of Blogger Outreach Link Placements

While regular backlinking strategies encompass all different kinds of links, blogger outreach link placements generally fall within a few specific categories.

These can be determined on a case-by-case basis based on your intended goals and the needs of the blogger you are reaching out to. 

Blogger outreach links can include:

1. Guest Posts

In this method, you suggest to the blog editor/ content creator that you can share your expertise about a particular subject that may be of interest to their readers.

You then come up with specific article pitches to suggest to them, craft a well-written article including a natural-sounding link for your site, and let the blog editor publish the whole thing on their blog. 

2. Niche Line Edits

In this method, you can request that a blog editor go back into pre-existing blog articles and add links to your site as an additional resource for their readers. 

3. Contributions to Articles

This approach allows you to contribute your knowledge and topical expertise to either a pre-existing blog article or an upcoming post yet to be published on the blog. 

4. Product and Service Reviews

For product reviews, you can request that a blogger directly review your services or products.

This can involve providing a free sample for the blogger to try before they write their review or highlighting the launch of a brand-new product, among other options. 

The possibilities are nearly endless, and one of the benefits of blogger outreach services is that you get to be creative in your approach to developing mutually beneficial exchanges of content and promotion. 

Common Challenges of Blogger Outreach Services

Two common challenges face most organizations and individuals working on blogger outreach services. Let’s take a look at the common challenges most people will encounter when conducting blogger outreach campaigns:

Challenge Number 1: Bloggers Get Too Many Link Placement Requests

Since back-linking on a high-authority website is a great way for websites to boost their SEO and ranking in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages), it should come as no surprise that most websites embark on some kind of link placement outreach strategy. 

Bloggers who provide engaging, authoritative content can get dozens of requests each day, which can get exhausting and overwhelming.

And it means that your request for link placement may be just one of countless other pesky emails in their inbox, making them way less likely to be open to a beneficial collaboration.

Even small-scale blogs can become inundated with request messages. 

While most of these emails will include generic subject lines and automated text, yours may not be given a chance to stand out from the crowd because blog admin will often send emails from all unfamiliar senders straight to the inbox trash bin. 

Challenge Number 2: Bloggers Request Payments for Link Placements

Paying for link placements is not a bad strategy across the board.

Savvy blog owners understand that providing a link placement for your site is a valuable proposition, so it makes perfect sense that they would also want to benefit from the request.

It is completely reasonable for a legitimate site to request payment for a high-quality link placement, but not all sites are legitimate. 

The tricky thing here is that not all link placements are worth the money. If, like many people inexperienced at blogger outreach, you end up spending loads on a worthless link, that is money that doesn’t feed back into your marketing budget.

Spammy websites, scams, private blog networks, and link farms will charge for a link placement on their site without providing you any value.

It takes experience to learn how to spot a low-quality paid link request right away. 

When to Outsource to an Outreach Agency

There are several clear benefits to outsourcing all of your blogger outreach services to a professional SEO marketing agency.

outreach agency outsource

But how do you know if outsourcing your blogger outreach campaign needs is the right choice?

Here are a few specific situations in which outsourcing to a professional company could be right for you:

  • Your brand would benefit from a diverse profile of high-quality backlinks and an expanded online presence.
  • You want your content to reach new audiences and connect with niche target readers. 
  • You do not have the advanced skills and expertise to know how to craft excellent personalized outreach emails. 
  • You are unsure about which types of blogs can provide real value for your link placement strategy. 
  • You want to hire a company to help with one campaign and see how it goes on a single project basis. 
  • You are starting from scratch to assemble a network of blogs to contact; you would therefore benefit from having access to an established network of reputable, relevant, high-authority blogs. 
  • You want to create a robust backlink portfolio for your brand, with link placements on many different high-authority blogs, but you don’t have the time to research blogs, write outreach emails, and keep up with the follow-up process. 
  • You are not a confident content creator and would rather focus on developing your business than writing articles. 

While blogger outreach can be undertaken by anyone, it is a lengthy process that can be complex, subtle, and involved. #

Outsourcing these services to a company with years of experience is a great way to see concrete results when it comes to boosting your site’s SEO and web presence. We can also offer white label linking services to your brand.

Benefits of Blogger Outreach Services

Blogger outreach is an effective strategy for link building and expanding your company’s reach by connecting with high-authority websites.

Here are some of the top benefits of utilizing blogger outreach services as part of your overall digital marketing strategy. 

Blogger outreach services provide:

  • Increased brand awareness for your organization
  • A notable boost in organic traffic
  • Significantly higher search engine result page rankings
  • Higher SEO ratings
  • More conversions, leads, and sales
  • An expanded client and customer base
  • A diverse profile of high-quality backlinks for your website
  • Higher website authority
  • A great way to reach your organization’s marketing KPIs (key performance indicators).

Important Metrics

At Blue Tree, we carefully research and analyze every single possible website and blog to make sure it is a good possibility for a link placement collaboration.

Every site must meet our minimum requirements, and we vet every blog to ensure that it does. 

Each site we work with must have a 5000-per-month search traffic minimum and have a domain rating of 65 or higher to ensure that they provide high-authority link placement for our clients.

We also check the ratio of inbound to outbound links to make sure that the blogs we are reaching out to are not spammy.

In addition, our team carefully reviews each site to determine whether or not it provides topical relevance for our client’s specific niche audiences and target readership.

If a high-authority website simply isn’t a good fit when it comes to our client’s goals, we have no problem taking them off the outreach list. It’s all a part of the customizable outreach service we provide. 

Outreach image showing the different avenues

How We Do It: Our 5-Step Blogger Outreach Process

We have years of experience in reaching out to reputable blogs for content collaborations and link placements.

We are skilled at weeding out irrelevant or low-quality websites and draw on our team of excellent in-house content creators to craft superior outreach emails and guest posts for our clients. 

Our blogger outreach services follow a five-step strategy that always brings success. Let’s take a look at how our experienced team conducts blogger outreach campaigns:

1. Develop a Content Strategy

First and foremost, we want to get to know you and your brand. We want to understand your industry niche and who your target audience is.

We will work with you to create clear and achievable goals so that we can concretely measure the success of your outreach campaign, and develop a content strategy that allows us to target the sites that are relevant and meet your minimum standards as well as our own. 

2. Take Time to Do the Research

Once we have worked with you to create concrete targets and goals, our in-house team of researchers will get to work scouring the wide world of the internet to uncover blogs that provide relevant high-quality content.

We will take the time to vet every single blog before reaching out to them to ensure that our outreach campaign will only provide the highest value backlinks for our clients. 

We will also draw on our extensive network of professional industry relationships, tailoring our outreach list to our client’s needs from within our pool of pre-existing blogger relationships.

Every site we assemble must meet our minimum requirements and provide compelling original content to its readers. 

In this stage, we find out key information about who we are reaching out to so we can include personal and relevant details once we start the outreach phase.

We look for specific items of interest in recent articles, and the identity of the blog owner and take note of the particular types of content that may be a good fit for their site. This thorough research process will help us to connect with blog admins in the next step. 

3. Craft Our Outreach Emails

Our in-house team of outreach specialists knows just what it takes to create eye-catching, engaging, personalized communications that will grab the attention of blog owners.

We focus on every detail to ensure that bloggers will respond positively to our outreach emails, starting with the subject line.

We customize each subject line to address the particular blog we are reaching out to, showing right off the bat that this email is not part of a vague, general automated email blast. 

The content of the outreach emails is carefully assembled to provide highly personalized, in-depth information that will connect with the reader.

Rather than simply inserting the name of the blog contact and their website, we include details about recent articles on their site and other particular points of interest that show we have taken the time to engage with their material.

We always share a value proposition to ensure that the blog we are reaching out to recognizes the benefits they will receive from engaging with our offer. 

4. Consistent Communication & Pitching

After that first email has been sent, we embark on the long journey of following up. Successful blogger outreach campaigns require patience.

We follow up respectfully and consistently to ensure that the blog editors we are reaching out to are seeing our emails and have a chance to respond.

Once communication has been established, we follow up on responses, answering any questions and providing all necessary information. 

For guest post link exchange opportunities, when it comes time to pitch our article idea to the blogger in question, we make sure to provide a short, compelling description of what we’d like to write about, providing the blogger with 2-3 topic options to choose from.

Each of these subjects demonstrates the expertise and topical knowledge of our client.

We have plenty of experience negotiating guest post opportunities and terms, pitching articles, and providing expert content.

Once an article or other type of link placement has been approved by a blogger, our in-house team of expert writers crafts compelling, informative, original content that will be featured on that blog. 

We keep up with all communications throughout the process, accepting edits and feedback and incorporating blogger ideas.

Each link placement is expertly crafted to seem naturalistic and fit within the relevant context of the article, so it doesn’t come across as spammy or forced. 

5. Follow Up After the Links Are Placed

The final stage of every outreach process is to follow up, both with the site editors and with our clients. We keep track of links once they are live and monitor them to make sure that backlinks remain active, live, and “do follow.”

If there is any problem with a link for up to 6 months after its initial placement, we will follow up to see if the site editor can adjust the problem, replace the link, or provide a new link placement.

We will keep our clients posted about every stage of our process by sending out campaign progress updates twice a week. 

Our Results

At Blue Tree, our attention to detail and dedication to our clients come through clearly in our results. So far, we have completed 130 projects, and our exclusive clientele list includes CreditDonkey, FreshBooks, Dooly, and Weave, among many others.

what we do bt

Our clients can expect to see a 160% increase in site traffic, on average. 

We regularly write content for over 350 unique publications across a range of subjects, so we are perfectly situated to provide excellent blogger outreach services.

We have an in-house team of more than 15 expert B2B writers who can create knowledgeable and well-researched original content for guest posts on high-authority blogs. 

Every backlink we place is editorially received, which means no spammy or forced-sounding link placements.

Instead, we make sure that every link sounds 100% natural, fits neatly within the subject of the article in question, and is surrounded by contextually relevant information.

High-quality editorially-received backlinks provide long-lasting value for our clients, boosting their Google analytics and SEO ratings. These high-quality links serve as robust and resilient assets that create even more value as time goes on. 

Every site we work with meets our high standards of excellence and quality to ensure that your links are placed on sites that provide the highest value.

We work with online publications that consistently produce high-quality articles read by wide audiences. If you are looking to boost your SEO ratings and expand your portfolio of high-quality backlinks through blogger outreach, send us a request.

Working with Blue Tree will help you grow your reach, expand brand awareness, and climb higher in search engine results through high-quality link placements, excellent content creation, and attention to detail. 

Check out our case studies to learn more about how we have helped companies like and WaveApps boost their online presence. 

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Dan Fries

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