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VPN Case Study – Over 500,000 Visitors a Month With Data-Driven Outreach


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The VPN space is arguably one of the most competitive verticals online. Entrenched players dominate the space and leave little to no room for new entrants.

With a combination of data-driven PR and content marketing Blue Tree was able to help facilitate massive organic growth. 

This client now stands as one of the premium VPN companies enjoying the well-deserved ROI from organic growth.

Our Results

✅ Traffic value from $45,000 to over $359,102

✅ Backlink profile from 913 Referring Domains to 3530

✅ Monthly organic traffic from 121,000 to 516,000

✅ 15X increase in sales from initial engagement

✅ Multiple traffic generating link bait pages generating organic link growth

76 Mentions Including:

☑️ Constant Contact

☑️ Stanford



☑️ Global Sign

☑️ LifeWire

☑️ PCMag

☑️ TechRepublic

☑️ Technopedia

☑️ Forbes


surfshark organic traffic
surfshark traffic value growth

Our Strategy – Data Driven B2C Outreach

Our content strategy is based on years of effective PR work that has helped our clients and our portfolio companies reach consistent annual double digital growth.

We focus on technical informational asymmetry. We make complicated topics easy to understand.

Publishers and lay readers often don’t know what is going on behind the scenes in technology. This is especially true for complex encryption technology.

We publish transparent and easy to understand data which drives more traffic and organic growth.


Leveraging an existing large database of media contacts and influencers we created actionable and data driven content.

Custom outreach is a time intensive process that cannot be automated despite what many people may recommend.

For this particular campaign, our team sent out over 753 custom emails to editors, writers and journalists.

Data-Driven Insights

Leveraging public data sets and academic data is essential to producing the highest quality outreach topics and content.

We cut through the digital marketing noise by focusing only on citable well researched objective information that publishers find easy to share and link to.

The outreach strategy used for this client involved large amounts of research pertaining to open source SEO security vulnerabilities, devops security and a host of legal issues that plague the VPN industry.

We leveraged expert interviews and key insights from experts around the world to create unique editorial content that naturally promoted our client’s products and services.

Creating value by educating the largest audience possible and complex topics is a win-win solution for both publishers and clients looking for PR mentions.

Work With Us

To learn more about how we can help you achieve the same results, please contact us.

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Dan Fries

Dive deep into the mind of BlueTree CEO Dan Fries and explore a wealth of knowledge on the nuances of link-building and digital marketing.

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  • Brand-building PR mentions for your business
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